We will defend the history of Cuba written with dignity, purity and blood.

The history of Cuba is written with dignity, purity and blood and it is not possible to annihilate it by the claims of crude fools who do not value what we have.

Faced with the situation that outraged so many brave Cubans, the phrase of José Martí, whom we knew and learned to love as children, “Poverty passes, but not disgrace” comes to mind.

How can we forget the teacher who lived in the monster and knew its entrails?

The one who always, in an brave and intelligent way, warned about the need to prevent the United States from falling on the peoples of America.

How much ignominy of a few smug who ungrateful see the stains and not the light that gushes out the moments when this beautiful Cuba, the one we love and will defend until the last breath, rises gracefully in the face of adversity and continues to fight for common good.

The aggressions do not matter, we are not afraid of those false and petty ones who do not feel pride in this piece of land that vibrates with emotion when it achieves something good, when it helps those most in need and when in international matters it shows everything it can contribute regardless of place, race, creed or sex.

It is true that the blockade imposed by the United States creates needs and hardships, but together side by side, the children of this beloved land have learned to dream, to create, to develop, to fortify and above all to value.

Jorge Luis Lazo

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