Cuba reported 567 new cases of Covid-19.

Havana, Cuba: The Cuban Ministry of Public Health (Minsap) reported 567 new cases of Covid-19 and four deaths at the close of this Tuesday, Radio Habana Cuba publishes.

The site reported that 10 thousand 488 patients are admitted, 5 thousand 848 suspects, one thousand 395 under surveillance and 3,245 confirmed active.

For the Covid-19, a total of 20,201 samples were made for surveillance during the day for a cumulative of 10 million 579 thousand 169 samples taken and 953 thousand 750 positive cases.

Of the total infected, 558 were contacts of confirmed cases; seven with a source of infection abroad; two without a specified source of infection. Regarding the sex 301 are women and 266 men.

11.6% (66) of the 567 positive cases were asymptomatic, accumulating a total of 131 thousand 259, which represents 14.0% of those confirmed to date.

The 567 diagnosed cases belong to the age groups: under 20 years old (91), from 20 to 39 years old (142), from 40 to 59 years old (200) and over 60 (134).

Distribution by province of confirmed cases:

Pinar del Río: 36, Artemisa: 14, Havana: 46, Mayabeque: 9, Matanzas: 14, Cienfuegos: 18, Villa Clara: 50, Sancti Spíritus: 86, Ciego de Ávila: 24, Camagüey: 128, Las Tunas: 39, Granma: 9, Holguín: 70, Santiago de Cuba: 12, Guantánamo: 12

Of the 953 thousand 750 patients diagnosed with the disease, 3,245 remain hospitalized, of them 3,158 with stable clinical evolution.

8,250 deaths accumulate (4 in the day) for a fatality of 0.87% vs 2.03% in the world and 2.45% in the Americas.

During the day there were 696 discharges for a cumulative 942,198 recovered patients (98.8%). 87 confirmed patients are cared for in intensive care, 34 of them critical and 53 seriously ill.

Por Redacción Digital

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