Mayabeque, Cuba: A total of 155 places are available for applicants to enter the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Mayabeque, in Encounter Course modality.
This plan of places, planned for the 2021-2022 school period, includes the offers of the careers of Nursing, Clinical Bio-analysis, Rehabilitation in Health, Nutrition and Dietetics, Hygiene and Epidemiology and Speech and speech therapy for a total of 155 places.
The reception of the applications for admission of the applicants will be carried out until November 13 of this year, at the faculty itself and from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon.
For the process, it is necessary to be a worker in the health sector at the time of requesting the place, a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute of Nursing, Polytechnic Institute of Health or Center for Higher Medical Education, possess permission from the center’s management and accredit their connection and uninterrupted work in the sector for at least 2 years.
Graduates who complete their studies with 90 points or more in their academic index and 12th grade graduates with a sector-specific qualification course with 2 years or more of uninterrupted work and satisfactory performance evaluation can also aspire to the call.
Those selected as the best graduate in their course in each of the technical formations, have the possibility of enrolling directly in the next course, fulfilling the condition of worker.

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