Liliana Dimitrova Horticultural Research Institute.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The second Scientific Workshop on Production Technologies of the Chile Habanero was held at the Liliana Dimitrova Institute for Horticultural Research, in the municipality of Quivicán.

The event had the participation of entities promoting this branch at the provincial and national level, where they dedicated a day to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the center.

In the activity, they held three essential conferences with the presentation of researchers from Mexican universities.

Among them, the Doctor of Science, Aurelia Mendoza Gómez, from the San Quintín Faculty of Engineering and Business of the Autonomous University of Baja California participated with a work on the production of habanero pepper under greenhouse conditions.

Also present were the Doctors of Sciences, Antonio Morales Masa and Fidel Núñez Ramírez, where they explained the entire process of preparation and sowing of the product in the shade house and in the open field.

Given the importance of this vegetable as a source of income through its commercialization outside the country, Cuban researchers raised questions regarding land management, electrical conductivity, tolerance when using inputs, and handling of pests and compliance with export requirements.

The Master of Science and director of the entity, Alicia de la Caridad Fernández Miranda, expresses that this exchange of knowledge contributes to the improvement of technologies.

At the end of the day they handed out certificates to all participants to give continuity to the next activities in tribute to the 50th anniversary of this center, which advocates the development of leading products at the national level.

Alejandro Rodríguez Fernández

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