Beijing: China reiterated today its absolute support for Cuba in its right to protect national sovereignty, refuted any type of interference in its internal affairs and demanded that the United States cease the economic, financial and commercial blockade, Prensa Latina publishes.

Wang Wenbin, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that his government supports the island in the search for a development path according to its own conditions and that allows it to improve the welfare of the people.

China, he said, opposes the United States’ custom of imposing sanctions and interfering in purely internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of freedom, human rights and democracy.

Wang urged Washington to manage bilateral ties with Havana in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations Organization and global norms, listen to the international community, and immediately and completely lift the blockade.

This coercive policy is considered the main cause of the deficiencies and the obstacle to development in Cuba, but the United States maintains it in force and intensifies it despite the majority vote and for 29 consecutive years of the international community in favor of its immediate cessation.

With the statements of the Foreign Ministry spokesman, the Asian giant joins several nations and organizations in the world that repudiate subversive acts, demonstrations and calls for intervention in the largest of the Antilles.

In addition, in recent months both the Government and various entities of China ratified solidarity with Cuba while going through complex times, and expressed willingness to contribute to the continuous strengthening of friendship and relations between the two socialist nations.

In this context, the eastern state sent several batches of donations with equipment, health supplies and up to 5,000 tons of rice to the island. (BSH)

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