Lisbon: The vice president of the Portuguese parliament, Antonio Filipe, condemned here today the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba, intensified despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Filipe pointed out that at a time when “everyone should be united in the fight against the pandemic,” Washington increased its unilateral coercive measures against the island and “very seriously damaged the common effort that must be made on this matter.”

The 58-year-old lawyer and university professor was elected deputy by the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) in 10 consecutive legislatures, since 1989, including the current one, whose term will end with early elections called for next January 30.

A student leader in the mid-1980s and a member of the leadership of the Portuguese Communist Youth between 1986 and 1995, Filipe was a member of the Central Committee of the PCP and chairs the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Cuba.

In the dialogue held at the headquarters of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic, the deputy praised the international aid provided by the Caribbean nation during the health emergency, which, he said, not only showed the world Cuban medicine, but also the work of solidarity of Cuba with respect to many countries.

At the level of health professionals, we have seen that there are situations of calamity in countries in need of medical support and Cuba is in the front line, not only in underdeveloped countries but also in Europeans such as the case of Italy, he indicated.

Cuba’s effort to combat the Covid-19 pandemic with the development of its own vaccines must be valued and not ostracized, Filipe said, referring to the intensification of harassment against the Antillean nation by the last two US governments.

In this sense, he recognized that the member countries of the EU vote against the blockade in the General Assembly of the United Nations and European companies develop economic and commercial relations with Cuba.

However, he insisted that the EU should have greater political autonomy with respect to US interests in Latin America, which would favor “a better development of friendly and cooperative relations” with that region.

Referring to the ties between Portugal and Cuba, he noted that this country maintained a policy of openness and cooperation towards the island, regardless of political differences, and highlighted as “an important step” the visit to Havana by the Portuguese president, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in 2017.

Likewise, he underlined the good state of the ties between the parliaments which, he pointed out, reflects in fact the relationship of friendship that exists between the different Portuguese political parties and Cuba, beyond the PCP, despite the diversity of opinions about the Caribbean country. and his political life.

Finally, Filipe sent “a strong embrace of solidarity and friendship to Cuba” that in the midst of “a cruel blockade”, continues to be a great reference for progressives around the planet, who aspire to a more just and fraternal world.

It is always a great pleasure to be able to speak for Cuba and tell her that she is not alone here, in Portugal, where she has friends who will do everything possible to continue fighting against the blockade imposed by the United States. (BSH)

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