Young people from Cuba ratify opposition to external interference in their country.

Havana, Cuba: Since last Friday and until today, the Sentada de los Pañuelos Rojos initiative, in the Central Park of this capital, ratifies the opposition of young people and representatives of civil society to external interference in Cuba, Prensa Latina publishes.

The group of students, workers, housewives and members of the Lgbtiq + community that make up the project released a statement in which they acknowledge their position against the Unconventional Warfare practices that the United States government is rehearsing against the Caribbean island.

According to the message, the Red Scarves also face the permanence of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States, which they describe as a policy that violates human rights in the Caribbean nation.

Another motivation is the support for the emancipatory struggles and the commitment of its members to a perfectible socialism.

The initiative includes concerts, poetry readings, speeches, documentary projections and book presentations.

According to its members, the Telegram messaging platform served for the emergence of this project, which declares itself to be the defender of life, equality, sovereignty, justice and the conquest of utopia.

In parallel, the Caribbean island today receives the support of supportive friends and Cubans residing in more than 80 cities in the world, who celebrate the passage to the new normal after months of pandemic, published on their Twitter social network account the Foreign Minister of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez.

Por Redacción Digital

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