Cubans in France condemn destabilizing action against their country.

Paris: The Coordinator of Cuban Residents in France today repudiated the promotion and financing from the United States of anti-government demonstrations on the island, a maneuver that it described as an unconventional war, Prensa Latina publishes.

In a statement, he denounced the so-called march for change in the Caribbean country, stimulated by Washington and the far-right from Miami, with small counterrevolutionary groups as the spearhead on the ground, and warned that its objective is regime change, starting of the installation of a color revolution.

This march, called for tomorrow, is unconstitutional and unseemly, because it intends to turn us towards a past of dependence on the North American master, therefore it is not ours and it does not represent us, stressed the coordinator that includes associations of Cuban residents scattered throughout the French geography .

In this regard, he supported the right of the Caribbean nation to defend itself and to declare the mobilization illegal, which he defined as an action based on “thinking tanks and the media arsenal” of the United States.

We ratify the unrestricted desire of our people to safeguard an independence that no one gave us and that we will never ask for respect, and we will exercise our sovereign right to tirelessly fight to preserve it, she stated.

According to the Coordinator of Cuban Residents in France, the organization and financing of demonstrations from abroad represents an attack on the dignity of an entire people and the political system democratically endorsed by a sovereign majority in 2019, with the approval of a new Constitution. .

In his statement, he insisted on the role played by the current US administration, based on the speech of senior officials of the same, which proves Washington’s involvement in the attempted “soft coup”, a policy to which he attributed the creation of chaos and death in other parts of the world.

Likewise, she reiterated the rejection of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the island for more than six decades and criticized that this siege was intensified in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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