New party of uniforms in Cuba.

Havana, Cuba: A party of uniforms in the Cuban streets reflects today the return of the country to normality, with the return of more than 718,400 children to face-to-face classes after two years of the pandemic, Prensa Latina publishes.

Excitement prevails again, the embrace of friends, the smell of new books, with the particularity of the Island having vaccinated with its own products against Covid-19, almost all teachers and students before this start.

Students from preschool to fifth grade of primary school thus join those of other teaching levels, who have been in the classrooms since last October 4 and November 8.

So do those who could not start on the scheduled date due to a delay in immunization, from the provinces of Mayabeque (west), Villa Clara and Camagüey (center), Las Tunas, Holguín and Granma (east).

In this way, the country’s schools will complete their enrollment, with an update of their study plans, while teachers must systematize the content received through televised classes and managers will ensure the school organization and the quality of the teaching-educational process.

The students will be responsible for the effort to learn and comply with the hygienic-sanitary measures provided for in each institution, among them, the constant use of the mask and hypochlorite for the sanitization of surfaces, hands, doorknobs and others, physical distancing, daily investigation and prohibition of entry to the institutions of outsiders or people with illnesses.

Nataly Padrón prefers mathematics to literature subjects, and in his enthusiasm for arriving at the center today, he revealed that he “wants to see his friends again, learn new things and play in the schoolyard”.

The third-grade student from Pedro Martínez Elementary School in the Havana municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, said she felt safe after receiving the three doses of the vaccine, as did 90 percent of the students in the Antillean nation.

“Soberana has given me more security, in any case I will continue to take care of myself,” Marcos David Espinosa, a third-grade student at the Vo Thi Thang school, said, referring to one of the three immunizers created by the Cuban biotechnology industry.

It is also about “having fun, because school is not just for studying,” he said, although didactics are also part of strengthening learning, and the teachers of the Caribbean island know that well.

“That all activities manage to combine the pleasantness of being back in the classroom, but at the same time the resources and ways to achieve the educational objectives set in the different grades,” according to Dr. Silvia Navarro, director of the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences.

The children of Cuba are returning today to face-to-face classes and with them many parents will return to their work centers.

In this way, the nation will begin to reactivate its economy, at the same time that – as requested by its top leaders – it will work to maintain the downward trend in positive cases of Covid-19.

Por Redacción Digital

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