Inundaciones en Haití dejan cerca de 2 mil 500 familias refugiadas.

Haiti: About 2,500 families were displaced to temporary shelters, and the same number of homes was affected by the floods left by heavy rains in Haiti in recent days, the Civil Protection department reported.

Radio Habana Cuba reports that several departments of the Caribbean nation were affected by a frontal system that crossed the neighboring Dominican Republic and left heavy rainfall last Sunday and this Monday, especially in the North, Northeast and Nippes, according to the partial balance of the institution.

The Civil Protection entity assured that there was numerous damages in the areas most affected by the floods and the low-lying areas of Cap Haitien, the country’s second largest city, are flooded.

Likewise, in the Northeast, especially Ferrier, the main road is damaged, after the bridge at the entrance to the municipality collapsed, while the Caracol power plant was also damaged.

According to the Haitian Hydro meteorological Unit, the rainfall will continue until Tuesday, especially in the North and Grande Anse departments, due to residual moisture in the back of the frontal system.

About 98 percent of the country’s territory is affected by deforestation; therefore, climate disasters are magnified, according to experts.

Por Redacción Digital

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