Mayabeque, Cuba: The secretariat of the Cuban Women Federation (FMC) in San José de las Lajas participates together with electoral authorities and jurists in the Popular Consultation on the Family Code, which has been taking place in this municipality since February 1 and the whole country.

To this end, they established a schedule of support for the meetings that for this purpose take place in the six Popular Councils of the territory until the month of April.

The General Secretary of the women’s organization in the capital of Mayabeque, Ana Rosa González Alfonso, said that this legal document is very significant, which in its version 24 consults with the population, because it advocates affection, respect and inclusion.

He also expressed that it is not just about article 34, to which some refer because it is equal marriage, the Code is more, contains sections for the whole family and is governed by principles of equality and non-discrimination, plurality, individual responsibility and shared.

Also for solidarity, the search for happiness, favorability, the best interests of children and adolescents, respect for the wishes and preferences of older adults and people with disabilities, balance between family public order and autonomy.

González Alfonso highlighted the need to know the Code, which is a true reflection of Cuban families, which is why she urges everyone to read it and ask any questions or make suggestions.

Maricel González Suárez

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