Brussels: The Portuguese MEP Sandra Pereira today denounced the obstacle represented by the US economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba for other countries to access the island’s scientific achievements in the field of health, Prensa Latina publishes.

Cuba’s successful medicine could become universal if it were not for the effects of the blockade imposed by the United States, warned the member of the Left group in the European Parliament (GUE/NGL) in a written question to the European Commission, in which he urged that body to be interested in the drug Heberprot-P.

According to the Portuguese communist, this unique medicine, capable of reducing amputation due to complications in diabetic foot ulcers, is just one example of the benefits that the international community would obtain if Washington lifted its siege of more than six decades.

“The exchange of scientific knowledge and its application should be at the service of humanity, the well-being and the health of peoples, instead of being hindered or even prohibited,” she stressed.

Pereira highlighted the achievements of Cuban science and its progress, despite the US blockade, a policy intensified with 243 new measures during the administration of Donald Trump (2017-2021), all maintained by his successor in the White House, Joseph Biden.

In this sense, the MEP mentioned the creation on the Caribbean island of its own vaccines to face Covid-19, including those applied to the pediatric population.

Regarding Heberprot-P, Pereira specified in her question to the Commission that she learned about its importance during a recent visit to Cuba together with colleagues from the Left group of the European Parliament.

Regarding the drug, she inquired about the cooperation in health matters between the European Union and the Antillean nation, and in particular about the use of the drug in question in its member countries or the possibility of doing so.

Likewise, she asked the European Commission for an assessment of the impact of the blockade imposed on Cuba in the fields of science and knowledge.

The blockade prevents the island’s results from being shared and serving the world population, affecting not only the Cuban people but all peoples, she insisted.

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