Havana, Cuba: The Cuban Ministry of Public Health reported this Wednesday one deceased and 594 positive samples for Covid-19 during the last 24 hours, for a cumulative of 1 million 062 thousand 748 diagnoses since the beginning of the disease in the nation, Radio Habana Cuba reports.

At midnight yesterday, February 15, a total of 11 thousand 780 patients are admitted, 7 thousand 977 suspects in surveillance 86 and confirmed active 3 thousand 717.

For COVID-19, a total of 13,003 samples were taken for surveillance on the day, with 594 being positive. The country has accumulated 12,933,256 samples taken and 1,062,748 positives.

Of the total cases (594): 579 were contacts of confirmed cases, 8 with a source of infection abroad and 7 without a specified source of infection. Of the 594 diagnosed cases, 1,329 were female and 265 male.

8.92% (53) of the 594 positive cases were asymptomatic, accumulating a total of 144,539, which represents 13.6% of those confirmed to date.

Of the 594 diagnosed cases, they belong to the age groups: under 20 years old (122), 20 to 39 years old (168), 40 to 59 years old (176), 60 and over (128).

Of the 1 million 062 thousand 748 patients diagnosed with the disease, 3 thousand 717 remain hospitalized, of them 3 thousand 676 with stable clinical evolution. There are 8,477 deaths, a fatality rate of 0.80% vs. 1.41% in the world and 1.79% in the Americas; two evacuated and 57 returned to their countries. On the day there were 1,200 discharges, 1 million 050 thousand 495 recovered patients accumulate (98.8%). 41 confirmed patients are treated in intensive care, of which 19 are critical and 22 are serious.

On the day, 1 deceased patient was reported. We deeply regret what happened and convey our condolences to his family and friends.

As of February 15, 192 countries and 32 territories are reported with cases of COVID-19, amounting to 414 million 910 thousand 386 confirmed cases (+ 1 million 798 thousand 914) with 72 million 43 thousand 547 active cases and 5 million 848 thousand 771 deceased (+ 10 thousand 944) for a lethality of 1.41% (=).

In the region of the Americas, 145 million 593 thousand 163 confirmed cases (+ 360 thousand 178) are reported, 35.09% of the total cases reported in the world, with 34 million 63 thousand 577 active cases and 2 million 606 thousand 306 deceased (+ 4 thousand 435) for a lethality of 1.79% (=).

Por Redacción Digital

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