Moscow: Russian Vice Prime Minister Yuri Borisov begins a tour of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba this Wednesday to continue intergovernmental exchanges on trade and economic cooperation according to the Executive of the Eurasian nation, Radio Habana Cuba publishes.

Borisov’s trip begins today in Caracas, tomorrow, February 17, it will continue in Managua and end in Havana on February 18, his office in Moscow reported.

The purpose of the visit is to discuss ways to optimize bilateral trade and promote economic cooperation between the countries.

On behalf of the Russian Government, Borísov heads the intergovernmental commissions for commercial, economic and technical cooperation with Venezuela and Cuba, which have been meeting dynamically every year, even despite the restrictions caused by Covid-19.

The Russian delegation will include representatives of ministries and departments in charge of various areas of commercial, economic, scientific and technical cooperation with these countries.

On January 26, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov highlighted that President Vladimir Putin agreed to expand strategic cooperation in all areas during exchanges with the heads of state of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

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