It was not a document written at random, but one of those that are thought when the desire to transform society prevails, one of those that state Martí’s principle of the search for the common good.
Thus we can describe the project of the Family Code, a document that today is submitted to popular consultation and that is built and enriched with the criteria of the people.
For those who question Cuban democracy, there is the popular consultation that brings together the neighbors every night. There is that project that we all can and should read to understand that it resembles the reality of current Cuban society.
A code, that speaks of solidarity gestation, which offers a deeper version of parental authority, when it changes its name to parental responsibility. Quite the contrary, for those who seek to misrepresent this concept, this fifth title strengthens and enriches parental responsibility, helps us to be better parents, contributes to promoting positive parenting, according to the interests of the child.
This project has eleven titles and those who read it will appreciate words that exude family responsibility, love, affection, solidarity, as values that must prevail within the family, that promote something as important as gender equality, that protects motherhood and fatherhood , equal opportunities, which preserves older adults, provides solutions to conflicts arising from migration.
That is why the invitation is to read, understand and interpret it, not to allow anyone to try to misrepresent or manipulate what is stated in its 471 articles. Because far from imposing or fabricating concepts, it is a faithful reflection of Cuban society, which adds, multiplies values, banishes discrimination and enriches human dignity.