Próximo domingo día territorial de la Defensa.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Territorial Defense Day will take place in Mayabeque next Sunday, February 20, to continue strengthening combat preparation in peacetime and will be a show of patriotic reaffirmation in the province.

The simultaneity of different defense preparation actions, the promotion of the reinforcement vaccination process, the strengthening of productive activities, hygiene, and community and housing resuscitation work, among other topics, will distinguish the day.

The exercise in which the chiefs, leaders, management and command bodies and the population will participate, will cover the various defense zones and work centers.

The territorial defensive training of the defense zone for the improvement of the missions conceived in the Cuban doctrine of the War of All the People will be based in the popular councils of Bainoa, in Jaruco, and La Musicanga, in Bejucal.

Por Redacción Digital

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