Havana, Cuba: Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla today reiterated his rejection of the United States blockade of the Island and the opinion matrix that tries to deny the existence of that policy, Prensa Latina publishes.

On his Twitter account, the Minister of Foreign Affairs assured that “the severe impact of the US blockade on the Cuban people is impossible to hide.”

He added that “those who deny the existence of a policy that suffocates and kills are lying cynically,” in direct reference to those in Washington who insist that the blockade is an argument used by the Cuban authorities to justify the problems facing the country.

Bruno Rodríguez pointed out that “they are # 60deResistance, creativity and heroism in the face of a fence that he describes as an act of genocide.”

Many specialists, both Cuban and foreign, say that this policy maintained by Washington for more than six decades is the main obstacle for Cuba to reach its full development in all fields.

They have also pointed out that the blockade has a clear extraterritorial nature, demonstrated in the pressure and strong economic sanctions on banks and companies from other nations for maintaining relations and links with entities on the island.

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