Artistas e intelectuales de Mayabeque evalúan labor sindical del pasado año.

Mayabeque, Cuba: In Mayabeque, culture is strengthened by the creativity of artists and the union between several  institutions. This was announced during the provincial balance of the guild.

Cadre politics, union functioning, the workers’ assembly, union activism and leadership, the leading role of artists and intellectuals in society, the role of young people as reserves and their preparation were among the topics analyzed.

During the exchange, the general secretary of the cultural workers’ union, Katia Rodríguez Ramos, addressed the role of creators in social networks and their impact, among other issues.

During the event, the journalist Yaima Fuentes Pérez from Radio Camoa, and Neolaydis Urquía, organizer of the cultural activity at the Tapaste culture house, were recognized with the Raúl Gómez García Distinction.

Personalities and entities from the culture sector in the province, with outstanding work for 20 and 25 years, were also recognized: the Casa de la Décima de Mayabeque, the Asunción Muñoz de Tapaste House of Culture, the Raúl Gómez García Provincial Library, the musical group Rumberos de Mayabeque, the Hugo Rivero Library of San José de las Lajas and the municipality of Nueva Paz for the fulfillment of union tasks.

Special recognition was given to the Cuban Fund of Cultural Assets and the Lajero cinema theater. The artists Cruz Issacc, Maikel Simón, Leonardo Rodríguez, and Edelio Borges were distinguished for their work, consecration and dedication.

Por Redacción Digital

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