In Cuba, a worldwide tweet against foreign military bases.

Havana, Cuba: A world message action through Twitter leads in Cuba this Wednesday the activities on occasion of the International Day of Struggle against US and NATO Foreign Military Bases, four years after the date was established in Dublin, Ireland.

The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) reported that the initiative will take place at 09:00 hours, local time, in response to the call by the World Peace Council, to carry out actions in rejection to the existence of these enclaves on foreign soil.

Among the main hatchtags of the virtual event highlight #DevuelvanGuantanamoYa, #ReturnGuantanamotoCubaNow, #Cuba and #CubaVive, the ICAP communique emphasized, and recalled that the date was declared during the first International Conference against the United States and NATO Military Bases, held in 2018.

The institution also appointed this day for coinciding with the signing of the agreement that became official on February 23, 1903, with the illegal US naval base in Guantanamo, in eastern Cuba, the first one established by the government of the northern nation outside its borders.

119 years after this event, there are dissimilar signs of rejection by both, experts and citizens themselves and international organizations, for the human rights violations that are recorded there, as well as the claims for the return of that territory.

Regarding its use, the ICAP statement warns that it constitutes a permanent threat to peace, sovereignty and self-determination of peoples, and supports from which acts of harassment and aggression are promoted against those governments that do not comply with the demands of United States administrations.

Recently Thomas B Wilner, one of the most prestigious jurists in that country and spokesman for a group of US lawyers who represent prisoners illegally detained at the Guantánamo base, declared to Prensa Latina that that nation violates its own law when it maintains that prison with inmates mostly without criminal charges.

Currently, the United States extends in more than 100 countries of the world a figure that exceeds 800 installations of this type, of which 76 remain in the Latin American region.

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