Lula repite contundente triunfo electoral en nuevo sondeo.

Brazil: A new survey indicated that the former president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, continues to be the most favored candidate in the presidential elections next October, Prensa Latina reports.

The survey, by the MDA Research Institute of Brazil, showed that Lula, of the leftist Workers’ Party, would obtain 42.2 percent of the votes, ahead of the current Brazilian president, the far-right Jair Bolsonaro, who would remain with 28 percent of the votes.

In addition, if Lula and Bolsonaro contested the ballot, the former president would prevail with 53.2 percent compared to 35.3 percent that the current head of state would obtain, and would also defeat the other candidates, according to the popular consultation carried out at request of the National Transport Confederation.

He also stresses that, in that first round, Labor Party member Ciro Gomes would be in third and fourth place with 6.7 percent and former judge Sergio Moro with 6.4 percent of the votes.

Former President Lula, who was prevented from running in the 2018 presidential elections due to political persecution and manipulation of causes, has returned to his political career and has expressed that he wants to return to preside over the country to repair Brazil and free it from a crisis of hatred arising from Bolsonaro’s fault.

Lula has been leading all the polls for months, and even some polls give him the victory in the first round without the need to dispute a second round, that is, a ballot.

This while Bolsonaro is in the eye of the hurricane due to mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic and involvement in corruption cases, reasons why his popularity has been severely hit and fell in recent months to 22 percent, its level lowest since he came to power in January 2019.

Por Redacción Digital

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