Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Until next May 17, the producers of each of the grassroots organizations of the National Association of Small Farmers of Jaruco work in the beautification of the social circles, the warehouses and the Martì’s squares of the cooperatives of the territory.

The President of the ANAP in Jaruco, ​​Yaima Gutiérrez Cándano, specified that these days they manage the baby layette that they deliver to the first mother to give birth to her child on that date, they stimulate the incorporation of young farmers into the ranks of the Young Communists League, promote blood donations and participate in voluntary and productive work organized to commemorate the event.

The directors of the peasant sector work to monitor the sowing plan and the delivery of contracted sales based on municipal self-sufficiency, through participation in meetings of grassroots organizations, associate assemblies and boards. cooperative directives.

Gutiérrez Cándano declared that ANAP officials participate in the tours of the peasant surveillance detachments, in coordination with the National Revolutionary Police, as part of the work of preventing and confronting crimes, social indiscipline and the theft and illegal slaughter of cattle.

Anelis Díaz

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