Circles of interest are linked to different specialties.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The highest management of the Educational Sector, in San José de las Lajas, implements a project developed jointly with the National Association of Innovators and Rationalizers (ANIR) of the territory with the purpose of encouraging creativity and invention in the new generations.

Through this action they form circles of interest linked to health, agriculture, commerce, teaching, gastronomy and the scientific centers of this district of the capital.

To guarantee the proper functioning of these vocational units, local pedagogues, education directors and members of the ANIR have qualified personnel committed to these sectors.

In the same way they receive the support of the community, since the lajero pioneer movement is related to its inhabitants, who deal with crafts, gardening, agricultural crops and other tasks with great ingenuity.

Raquel Álvarez Morejón

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