In these times of pandemic, among other limitations, is the lack of youth recreational spaces. That is why many only go to the town park and between talks and romantic getaways spend the hours and occupy their free time.

So far, the only questionable thing is the non-compliance with the health measures aimed at containing Covid-19.

However, I heard the scolding to two pre-university students who mediate their forces trying to lift one of the benches of the traditional public place. I felt very positive the attitude of the person who came out in defense of that property that belongs to everyone and that must have a protector in each citizen.

How many times have we seen abuse against public places and the indifference of those who look and remain silent?

The demand to take care of what belongs to everyone is sometimes absent in many of our towns and this is also seen by young people, who luckily often hear the call of parents to watch over their behavior during their leisure time.

Young people need recreation but also the example of the elders taking care of a bench, a traffic signal or the glass window of public transport.

Forming values, such as being owners and caretakers of our environment, is valid at all times and contributes to its conservation and respect.

Roberto Hernández

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