The collection of finances to be used in works of social benefit and programs such as health and education are the main function of the workers of the National Office of Tax Administration (ONAT), who celebrate their day this July 14.
The National Tax Administration Office provides a set of technical services to taxpayers, with the purpose of providing them with the necessary information so that they correctly apply their tax obligations, and in turn know their rights.
The personalized counseling service, the most widespread by the entity, can be carried out face to face, by telephone, by correspondence or through third parties. This service offers people, directly, specialized information to help them perform any tax operation.
Other facilities of the ONAT are the manager and tax collector, who is responsible for making all the procedures related to it for the taxpayer. This official is technically trained to provide advice on tax issues.
Regarding the links with other entities, the ONAT implemented the tax adjustments approved in the improvement of the work for its own account, and the increase of the payment facilities for the taxpayers with the integration of the banking, postal and telephone systems.
It also put into practice strategies to improve the working conditions of the personnel that work in the institutions, in particular, the study of an incentive regime based on the increase of the collection.
This date was chosen taking into account that on July 14, 1958, the then Commander Raul Castro Ruz, dictated the Order No. 39, thus establishing the first tribute on Cuba free land.
More than half a century of those events, the ONAT gains prominence when governing, along with other organisms, self-employment, state entities and new forms of management such as non-agricultural cooperatives.