Authorities demand greater compliance with sanitary hygiene measures in Mayabeque.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Director of Public Health of Mayabeque, Dr. Luis Armando Wong Corrales, reported on the incidence rate of Covid-19 during the weekly sessions of the Provincial Defense Council where he highlighted that Nueva Paz and San José de Las Lajas are the territories that report active cases of the disease.

The specialist added that the search for new cases is still active and detailed that new accommodation conditions have been created in the Faculty of Medical Sciences and at the Fructuoso Rodríguez University, in order to isolate all the suspects and contacts that are identified in the municipalities.

Dr. Luis Armando insisted on the importance of continuing to work on isolating the contacts and that the persons declare any relationship with the cases, to act promptly.

The vice president of the Provincial Defense Council, Tamara Valido Benítez, said that border control points must work in coordination, rigorously 24 hours a day.

Likewise, she emphasized the active research and controls at the different production and service centers that must be carried out with greater demand in the use of the mask faces, the existence of footsteps, physical distancing, disinfection of hands and surfaces, among other targeted measures.

Por Redacción Digital

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