Havana, Cuba: Solidarity activists from Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania, linked to art, will condemn the United States blockade against Cuba on social media, Prensa Latina publishes.
According to a communication from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), the meeting will take place next Saturday from 09:00, Cuba time, on the Facebook platforms and the YouTube channel ‘Always with Cuba’, under the tags #SolidaridadVsBloqueo, #CubaEsCultura and #LaTierraDeMisAmores.
The forum will also discuss solidarity in the confrontation with the United States’ campaign against Cuba’s international collaboration in health matters, and the harassment of Cuban artists who defend the Revolution.
The ICAP president, Fernando González, and Noemí Rabaza, first vice president of that institute, as well as Fernando León, vice minister of Culture; Indira Milagros, president of the Cuban Institute of Music, and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all from Cuba.

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