Rome: The National Association of Italy-Cuba Friendship (Anaic) calls today for the return of health collaborators from the Island to help face the current outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic in this country, Prensa Latina publishes.
In a statement, Anaic said that with the worsening of the epidemiological situation, a return to an emergency context comparable to that of March and May of this year is presumable.
The solidarity organization with the Caribbean nation, indicated that one of the problems in several regions is the significant lack in some cases, of medical and nursing personnel, fundamental actors in the care process for Covid-19 patients.
In this sense, he urged to take into account the positive experiences in the cities of Crema and Turin which, in the face of a serious epidemiological emergency, requested and received the supportive support of doctors and nurses from the Henry Reeve Contingent, recognized for their competence and capacity in such situations.
Italy was able to directly verify how the Henry Reeve Brigades act where necessary, without requesting compensation of any kind, in absolute respect of the principle of solidarity in international relations, a fundamental presupposition of their existence, Anaic stressed.

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