La miembro del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de CubaYanina de la Nuez Aclich estuvo presente en el encuentro.

Mayabeque, Cuba: In this province the government and health authorities reinforce the sanitary hygiene measures and the compliance with medical protocols, given the increase in positive cases to Covid-19.

The Director of Health in the territory, Dr. Luis Armando Wong Corrales, argued: “Since October 12, when the new normality was established, we already have 36 cases, of which 15 are autochthonous and 21 are imported, of that total, 28 are found active in the hospitals of the capital, 8 are already in clinical discharge and one of epidemiological discharge”.

“Of the 36 cases, 66.7 percent are asymptomatic, which is an element that gives us more in terms of prevention and the search for contacts in each of the cases.”

“Of the municipalities Güines is the most complex in the province, of 36 cases, 18 are from that municipality, which represents 50 percent of the total, of which five are imported and 13 are native, that is, the opposite to the province, where the cases related to visitors in the country prevail, which means that for each imported case that is diagnosed, 2.5 percent are autochthonous, contacts of people confirmed with the disease.

Hence the call to intensify prevention actions, strict control of travelers and eradicate indiscipline.

“Güines receives a significant level of travelers, it exceeds the 480 and that means greater contact with the population, therefore it is important to alert families”, Dr. Luis Armando Wong Corrales said.

Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque


Por Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque  

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