Hay que fomentar la producción en patios familiares.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The call for the population to play a more active role in food production, by promoting planting in all available spaces, shows positive results in Madruga.

The urban, suburban and family agriculture program is advancing in the territory with popular support, the coordinator of this task in the municipal administration, Taimí Vázquez López, assured.

“We have 1,198 patios and 341 plots, divided by Popular Councils, in many of them a daily sale is made to the population, especially vegetables”.

The examples are palpable and are part of the successes of the program that will be presented during the tour 88 of specialists from the National Group of Urban Agriculture, to be held on March 4 and 5 in this Mayan territory.

Maria Amalia Pérez

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