Mayabeque, Cuba: Mayabeque Medical Science students prepare to participate in the 2021 University Student Bastion exercise, online.
The activity will be carried out in conjunction with the department of military education and the University Student Federation (FEU), starting at nine in the morning, this April 22, in all higher education institutions.
This time it will be dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the battle in Playa Girón and the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).
According to the communicator of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, the stomatology student, Adri Ramos Padrón, all will participate from the different social networks and platforms with photos of impact tasks in the confrontation with Covid-19.
“At the national level, the labels will be #BastiónFEU2021, #RumboAl100FEU, #somoscontinuidad, #somoscuba, #tedefiendo, and we created some of our own for our faculty such as #bastiocienciasmedicasdemayabeque.