Educational centers will host vaccination centers.

Mayabeque, Cuba: One hundred and four schools in this province were prepared as vaccination centers for the early start in the province for the health intervention with the Cuban vaccine candidates Abdala and Soberana 02, against Covid-19.

“We created a commission where each of the premises and their conditions were meticulously reviewed in order to comply with the hygienic-sanitary measures, we cleaned the areas, because within the requirements were that the places were spacious to make consultations more viable, the waiting room that should work”.

Each of these places was visited and the fulfillment of public health requirements was assessed: the existence of sinks, recovery resources and places for consultation”.

The support of the teaching staff of each of the educational institutions has been decisive in the achievement of vaccinations that comply with the regulations to carry out massive health intervention.

Suli Mary Carrasco Fonte

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