Cuba fights a new Moncada.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The walls of the former Moncada Garrison, today the July 26th school city, jealously guard a page of the country’s most heroic history.

There it is intact, the memory that reminds us where we come from and what we are. For decades these walls have guarded and protected childhood, the weapons of knowledge are those that defend hope and peace, they also put knowledge in function of the formation of a new man, owner of his destiny and lover of solidarity.

The Moncada is a symbol, a paradigm of the decision of a people to give everything for freedom. The Moncada is call and present.

Today, faced with the Covid-19 pandemic and the cruelty of the US blockade that takes advantage of the health crisis to aggravate the situation, Cuba is waging a new Moncada.

My Moncada today is in the young people who face the virus in the front line of combat, in all the tasks that bet on defeating death and defending life.

This Homeland remains firm, generous and deeply in solidarity.

Maria Amalia Pérez

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