Actions to counteract illicit sale of medicines in Güines.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Workers of the Public Health sector in Güines carry out actions to improve drug control and avoid illegalities in these times of Covid-19.

“We intensify actions through the pharmacy department of the Municipal Health Directorate,” the doctor and Municipal Director of Health in Güines, Enmaida Fernández Márquez, explained.

The final destination of the medications in hospitals, whether those supplied orally or intravenously, is controlled, in the case of the nasalferon, she pointed out, is carried out through the database, so needy and positive patients to the PCR would receive it.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the new coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2, therefore, it must be treated with the appropriate treatment which includes medications to counteract the symptoms and long-term effects.

Suli Mary Carrasco Fonte

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