Municipal Assembly of Balance of the Party.

Mayabeque, Cuba: A broad popular debate took place in Madruga as part of the activities prior to the Municipal Assembly of Balance of the Party, scheduled for next December 4.

The authorities exchange with students, workers and the general population on issues of economic and social repercussion.

The member of the municipal bureau of the party in the territory, Yunielkis Roque Menéndez, explained the enrichment of the report to the Assembly of Balance with the criteria of the protagonists of the main current battles of the country in the face of development.

These meetings will take place until the end of November with the aim of making the Party Balance Assembly a town event with guidelines drawn from politics and the strength of unity and participatory democracy.

On November 4, the 30 local delegates will be presented to the important meeting, taking into account the epidemiological conditions of the country and with the commitment to ensure the interests of the people and the defense of the socialist revolution.

Maria Amalia Pérez

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