Comienzan preparativos en Mayabeque para proceso de balance del Partido Comunista de Cuba.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Party as the governing body of the country’s politics prepares the balance process aimed at evaluating the socioeconomic development of Mayabeque and the rest of the Island based on the ideas, guidelines and executives of this avant-garde organization.

The objective is to strengthen its work in all areas so that its structures become more participatory in society with a political, economic and social approach, according to the member of the bureau that attends to political-ideological activity, Yoel Gómez Rodríguez.

The head of the department of political organization of cadres in the Provincial Committee of the Party, Emilio Fernández Cárdenas, refers that the schedule for the assemblies is scheduled between the months of November and December throughout the nation. In Mayabeque the process will be between December 2 and 23.

The head of the ideological department of the Provincial Committee of the Party, Nivaldo Palenzuela Oliva, reports that in the balance they will analyze topics of interest related to production, services, as well as maintaining peace and unity as an essence for the defense of socialism, sovereignty and the independence of Cuba.

The balance of the Party in Mayabeque takes place in a complex scenario where the blockade grows; difficulties are generated in the export and import, as well as in the development of important production processes.

Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque


Por Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque  

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