In favor of food sovereignty.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Despite the lack of inputs conditioned by the economic and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba, the municipality of San Nicolás works to strengthen the application of science and technology in the cooperative and peasant sector.

The purpose is to guarantee food sovereignty and security so in the territory technological innovation is carried out according to the rational use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.

The municipal coordinator of science and technique, training and agroecology, Alberto Marín Quintero, explained that the insertion of scientific-technical advances are reflected in the use of several projects, including the one related to the Extraction Plant of Oil, from avocado in his loss of harvest in the population settlement El Mamey. It also highlights the production of charcoal from marabou and the development of the agroecological farm in the El Recurso community.

Milay Vega Villar

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