Mayabeque, Cuba: The positive cases of Covid-19 in the last five days have gradually decreased, according to the provincial director of public health, Doctor of Sciences, Idalberto Aguilar Hernández.

“In the last 14 days we have a cumulative incidence rate of 683.99, a figure that in the last 72 hours decreases if we take into account the behavior of the last five days. It is a trend for the decreasing of positive cases”, he declared.

“This element cannot satisfy us. We must continue with the epidemiological hygienic safety measures, such as hand washing, the mandatory use of the mask, as well as the measures related to social distancing”, he explained.

Among the municipalities of Mayabeque with the highest risk of Covid-19, Aguilar Hernández mentioned eight.

Suli Mary Carrasco Fonte

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