Mayabeque, Cuba: In 2021, the Cuban Health System achieved 6,033 pregnancies in infertile couples fully cared for in the service network despite the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic limitations derived from the tightening of the blockade imposed by the United States government.

Although these were reduced by 994 compared to 2020, the high figure is a reflection of the priority offered by the Ministry of Public Health and the delivery of more than 1,000 professionals including medical, nursing, mental health, obstetrician-gynecologists, biologists and other personnel and other specialties that are included to the Maternal and Child Care Program (PAMI).

Cuba is the only country with free universal access for people with reproductive difficulties from the first level of care, with an infertility clinic in its 168 municipalities.

Last year, 4,317 new Cuban men and women were born, children of couples cared for in comprehensive care services for infertile couples. These new families are overflowing with happiness, seeing the human right to family planning respected.

It is the result of prenatal care, the care received in Maternity Homes, in Special Perinatal Care Rooms and the careful monitoring during labor and neonatal care received.

The Ministry of Public Health thus contributes to modifying the demographic context characterized by a low birth rate. If we take into account that in the year just ended births were reduced by 5,945 compared to 2020, the more than 4,000 obtained as a result of assisted reproduction techniques prevented the difference in births from being 10,262.

Tags: Covid-19, assisted reproduction

Keywords: pregnancies, infertile couples, pandemic, blockade

Por Redacción Digital

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