Sesiona en Güines taller sobre las manifestaciones artísticas.

Mayabeque, Cuba: A workshop on artistic manifestations took place at the Rafael García Bárcenas culture house in the municipality of Güines to promote the development of the arts in children, adolescents, youth and older adults.

The fans who participate in the different courses make up the community of future artists and creators of the territory.

The creative methodologist, Ana Julia Gutiérrez Ulloa, said that the workshop was a space to promote artistic creation, as well as projects, programs and other initiatives that contribute to preserving cultural heritage.

The work of the specialists of the house of culture is to advise technically and methodologically the community cultural processes from the appreciation, creation and promotion of art and literature.

All this with an emphasis on the transformation of cultural needs, the strengthening of the Amateur Artists Movement, the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the training of audiences, to contribute to the enrichment of the cultural life of the population.

Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque


Por Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque  

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