Mayabeque, Cuba: Despite the material shortages that Cuba suffers as a result of the US economic blockade and the current international trade crisis, the Provincial Center for Electromedicine Technical Services in Mayabeque guarantees the electromedical park of health institutions in the territory.
According to the Head of the Recovery Department Brigade, Ángel Luis García González, of the 17 lines of equipment available to the public health system in the province, priority is given to intensive care devices, whose effective functionality is verified daily, especially those associated with the assisted breathing of patients with Covid-19 and the monitoring of vital signs in general.
The equipment inventory of all the territory’s medical facilities is up to date operation, based on a 24-hour rapid response provincial command post, to which breakages and any type of technical incident are reported.
Although the availability of parts for repair and maintenance is limited by insufficient resources, Mayabeque’s electromedical demand is fully covered through technological exchange with other provinces and, above all, through the innovations of specialists.
In the year 2021, 3 thousand 191 medical teams were installed. Of 245 requests for unforeseen repairs, 234 were resolved.
During the third quarter of that year, the maintenance plan was fulfilled at 71 percent, due to the restriction of movement for rural areas and problems with transportation in the center.
For its part, the department for the recovery of 10,948 pieces of furniture installed in the province recovered 3,941 pieces of furniture and gave repair and painting maintenance to 14,444 pieces of furniture.
García González confirmed that the center maintained its services during the most complex stages of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Provincial Electromedicine Center, with more than four decades of experience, has technicians in the 11 municipalities, as well as in the large provincial and municipal hospitals in the territory.
The Head of the Recovery Department Brigade, Ángel Luis García González, said that the main projections for this year are to improve the central compressed air system of the therapy room of the Aleida Fernández de Güines General Hospital and expand the central oxygen bank of the Leopoldito Martínez Hospital in San José de Las Lajas.