Mayabeque, Cuba: Deputies from Mayabeque to the National Assembly of People’s Power exchanged with peasants from the municipality of Quivicán at the Agricultural Production Cooperative (CPA) 17 de Mayo, about the Food Sovereignty and Security Bill.

The president of the Agri-food Commission of the Cuban Parliament, Ramón Aguilar Betancourt, explains the difficult situation in the agricultural sector due to the blockade imposed by the United States and Covid-19, as well as the importance of redoubling efforts to obtain superior results.

The delivery of the 30 pounds per capita was another matter of interest, since it is essential to comply with this precept in order to bring the necessary food to the people.

The peasants committed themselves once again to strengthening some areas destined for cattle ranching for the delivery of milk to the industry and the warehouses.

Alejandro Rodríguez Fernández

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