Cuban Press Day.

The name could not be another, Patria, as the Apostle José Martí baptized what would become the elemental struggle article to unite Cubans, through the precise word, a newspaper that began a movement that is evolving daily action.

The Cuban press, with a luminous path until its days, carries with it the fighting spirit, with Radio Rebelde, which reported each one of the events in the Sierra Maestra by the bearded ones, until today.

This is how the Cuban press was forged, working and illustrating the daily events of those of us who live here, and filling our lives with wisdom and knowledge.

Those from the countryside and the city, those from the West and the East, have traveled through the lens of the camera and in the voice of the journalist to unknown regions, challenging dangers and adversities, because they know that the best stories are those that make people fall in love audience to which they are due.

It belongs to the people, yes, the Cuban press belongs to the humble. It is not speculative, nor does it come with bad intentions, on the contrary, it comes with reason and the concept of hope for those who are informed on a daily basis.

Cuban journalists and their editorials seek the scoop, but their sensitivity makes the news a story that endures over time that clings to the hearts and thoughts of the nation.

That is the revolutionary press of today, the one that was born with Martí through Patria, the one that tuned in from the Sierra with the bearded ones, and the one that today follows all those concepts and reinvents itself in these hard times that humanity is experiencing.

Alejandro Rodríguez Fernández

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