The city is our home and we have the responsibility to take care and preserve it. However, many times we are not consistent with this truth, and we only worry about the part that touches us closely.
Citizen cooperation in this regard and the work of the authorities to counteract this scourge are necessary.
Maintaining hygiene at home is a fundamental habit to avoid diseases that can affect the family, such as contact with germs that are dangerous to our health.
The personal hygiene of each member of the family is reinforced if we also take proper care of the cleanliness of the environments in which we move and, especially that of our own home.
Within the house, it is very important that children are taught daily hygiene as a habit that must be met, so that they can avoid respiratory, stomach and some skin diseases, which are commonly transmitted by contact with sick people.
We do not have to state, because they are well known, the harmful consequences that such abandonment can cause for human health, and in a broader sense the damage that this implies for the well-being and quality of life in our communities.
The adoption of hygienic habits is a task in which both, families and educational centers, sports spaces and leisure places must be involved.