Inicia curso de Tai Chi en Güines

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Licentiate in Physical Culture, Osney Brito Domínguez, informs that starting today a Tai Chi course is beginning for all those who wish to participate.

The course will be held every Saturday at 9:00 in the morning at La Bella Unión sports complex, in Güines.

The provincial professors, Eusebio and Caridad, will be in charge of teaching the course.

Tai Chi Chuan is a millenary martial art of relaxation that reduces stress and anxiety, also improves the flexibility of the body and balance with the mind.

According to the teachers of this martial art, practicing deep breathing techniques helps to reach a state of meditation, reduces blood pressure, combats insomnia, relieves headaches and increases muscle strength.

For more information, call 47 52-33-30 or 47 52-28-80, with the methodologist in Community Physical Activity, Norailis Pérez.

Edilsa Hernández García

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