The school year resumed in our province of Mayabeque and all our children, adolescents and young people of school age returned to the classrooms, a fact that has been repeated every September, since 1959, when the triumphant revolution made the instruction of the Cuban people in one of its main objectives.
However, in 2020 the scenario is different, because the COVID-19 pandemic imposes a series of measures that must be observed in all educational establishments in order to maintain the health of our students.
That is why at this beginning of the course and the remainder of the school period, responsibility should be a word of order, since it is up to the family to ensure that children comply with what is established from a hygienic point of view to avoid COVID-19.
Parents are responsible for, for example, that children do not go to school without a face mask (nasobuco), that they takes more than one for the change in the established time, to put inside their school bags the soap and the bottle with chlorine or hydroalcoholic solution for the hand disinfection, in order to comply with the provisions for the benefit of all.
The effort must be shared by the school and the family, which are the main responsible for the correct development of the course just started. It depends on everyone that the return to the classrooms passes with tranquility and health.
It is also up to the family members to ensure that after classes our little ones comply with the directed measures and correctly carry out the schoolwork and other actions directed by the teachers and professors.
In short, let’s make this return to the classrooms a celebration of knowledge and above all, let’s assume the role that corresponds to us in the current confrontation with COVID-19.
Education, responsibility and health, three words that we must turn into daily reality in this new course.