Yamira Pérez Mena, outstanding worker at the Banco de Crédito y Comercio de San Nicolás.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Yamira Pérez Mena, with more than 23 years in the banking sector, is one of those women who with her unconditional dedication constitutes an essential force to guarantee the development of the country’s economy in San Nicolás.

Committed to the banking system and to the challenge of Thinking as a country in response to the summons of our president Miguel Díaz-Canel, she and the rest of the bank workers in San Nicolás arrived on October 13 for their 60th anniversary.

“Currently I work as Specialist C in Human Resources Management. I have managed to combine my responsibility with the beautiful task of being a mother. It has not been an easy task but it is not impossible either, you just need to have a spirit of sacrifice and feel love for the profession”, Pérez Mena said.

Working in the banking sector requires a lot of sacrifice, on several occasions they have to stay in the center outside of the established hours.

On October 13, 1960, the Banking Nationalization Law was passed by the Cuban revolutionary government.

This day honors outstanding workers in the banking sector and commemorates the appointment of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara as the first revolutionary president of the National Bank of Cuba (on November 26).

Milay Vega Villar

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