This December 14, 92 years after the birth of the Poet of the Centenary Generation, Raúl Gómez García, the workers of Culture remember him in all his dimensions as a young hero, revolutionary and creator, keeping up, as then, his proclamation of combat.

We are already in combat, this is how his immortal poem began, prepared especially by him, on the occasion of his participation in the action of the assault on the Moncada barracks, on July 26, 1953, and it is a hymn and a current, immortal treat, brought as a breath to the present.

The also journalist Gómez García, as he was called within the Centennial Generation movement, did not survive that heroic and vindictive action, which under the inspiration of José Martí, in the year of his centenary, wanted to restart a new stage of the only Cuban Revolution, the armed struggle in the 20th century.

He was captured, savagely tortured and finally assassinated by henchmen of the dictator Fulgencio Batista.

The 24 years that he managed to live he traveled in a virtuous, brave and determined way, he was endowed, in addition to a special spirituality, a penchant for poetry, journalism, art and philosophy, an interest in sports, hobbies that gave to his life an ethical sense, an exemplary citizenship and an exemplary patriotism.

Born in Güines, in the old province of Havana, since he was a teenager he collaborated with student publications and radio stations, and participated in civic events, in which he always expressed his libertarian vocation, inheritance of a family tradition with Mambi ancestors.

His family and friends saw in him a loving son and a personality that stood out for a remarkable capacity for communication. That is why he is entrusted with the drafting of the Moncada Manifesto, a document in which he manages to collect the essentials of the thinking of a youth who, on the Centenary of the birth of José Martí, was willing to radically change our history.

Isamary Valero Padrón

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