Mayabeque, Cuba: The president of the Defense Council in this province, Yanina de la Nuez Aclich, called for greater rigor in the control of Covid 19 in the city of Güines, a territory that closes this day with 29 positive cases of the disease, which responds to the sustained transmission of the pandemic and high mobility of people.
The leader called to extreme epidemiological surveillance, to conduct a deep survey to determine the contacts of the patients and to attend medical services in a timely manner in case of symptoms.
During the Defense Council in Güines, de la Nuez Aclich, she met 63 local foci and 228 people are in isolation and to date 94 are infected with the coronavirus.
Regarding the actions that must be taken urgently in the municipality, she listed the restriction of hours in commercial centers, the permanence of adults, pregnant women and children in their homes, to prevent them from wandering through streets, parks and other places, as well as activating the work of messengers to support vulnerable groups.
“Given the increase in cases we have to save lives, the most important thing is to save lives, it is necessary that the Presidents of Popular Councils urgently call for the restrictions to be properly complied with, so that each decision is collegiate and the people know what is happening in my little piece and in that Public Health has to help”.
The deputy director of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the municipality, Ana Leydis Leal Trujillo, insisted during the defense council, on the importance of the investigation to prioritize isolation, given the number of asymptomatic cases in the territory, make the exhaustive and detailed search in the Pastorita and Manuel Ascunce neighbohoods, to evaluate the suspects and contacts of positive cases.
“We are conducting a clinical investigation in which we interact with the patient, take his temperature, perform a physical examination and inquire about the symptoms of Covid-19, we are also making the appropriate admission with respiratory disease, isolating the contacts of the contacts in the municipality, for this a hospital was set up here in the municipality for those asymptomatic Covig-19 positive patients and an isolation center for those who are positive patient contacts”

Indira La O Herrera
Periodista en Radio Mayabeque