New media in Güines to contain the spread of Covid-19.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The Defense Council in the municipality of Güines determined that as of Monday, April 5, the 6 entrances and exits of the territory to other places will be closed to prevent the access of people to the town.

The commerce, gastronomy and services units, as well as the authorized self-employed workers close at 2 in the afternoon and the work centers at 12 noon. The Mercabal store ceases the sale of products for at least 15 days.

Only 2 day care centers are operating until 2 in the afternoon. They are Simientes de la Aurora and Sueños de Camilo. Schools will not provide services; children and teachers will continue to receive tele-classes from home.

The registration of medical diets will be done through the groceries administrators.

The collection of fines will be made until 2 in the afternoon. The transfer of patients with cancer pathologies to the capital continues with prior authorization.

The general hospital, polyclinics and hemodialysis rooms maintain the services, visitors are not allowed, or change of companions.

The reinforcement of these measures is due to the complex epidemiological situation of the municipality due to the high incidence rate.

Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque


Por Indira La O Herrera

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque  

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