“Responsibility continues to be our first defense weapon against COVID-19”. This has been one of the first indications of the country’s leadership since the pandemic began.
The phrase is due, above all, to the relaxed behavior that many people have been adopting, and even to the lack of understanding and failure to comply with the indicated prevention measures.
The effort that those who watch over health and life have to make is increasing.
There are those who indolently do not use the nasobuco correctly, or those who can be seen smoking or talking, without a mask, in other behaviors.
At the same time, the inevitable queues appear, where those involved do not comply with the physical distancing, in which more must be influenced by the population itself, the agents of public order and the administrations.
Many forget that, precisely, these days have been the ones with the highest numbers of patients and deaths from the pandemic in the country and our territory is not exempt from this outbreak.
Low perception is our greatest enemy. The events of this week say so, it reflects that the pandemic has stopped being taken seriously today.
It is up to Mayabeque to learn from mistakes, to act individually with greater discipline and for the institutions to do better epidemiological and preventive work.
It must be understood that we are a risky town, neighboring Artemisa, Havana and Matanzas, territories that present great epidemiological complications.
But this must be understood from the base, from our own homes and work centers, where people do not comply with the new Code of Life that has been explained so much. The call is not to deceive us, the storm has not passed. We are, right, in the eye.